A one-day journey through art and land
7 September 2024

Art au Centre and the Very Contemporary Network are pleased to invite you to the third edition of Performing Landscapes, which will take place on Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 11 am to 7 pm in Liège. The event is a co-production by Art au Centre Liège and Greylight Projects

We invite you to join us for a day to collectively question the landscape around us, that of the city of Liège, through a dozen artistic interventions in the form of performances, sound works, projections and collective artworks.

Very Contemporary, 2024 ‣ PERFORMING LANDSCAPES Festival

While landscape has been a favorite subject of artistic creation for several centuries now, the Performing Landscapes program aims to offer participants the opportunity to experience it collectively through movement and the discovery of contemporary artistic practices.

On September 7, we invite you to embark with us on a cruise or a bike tour along the Meuse, a crucial axis of circulation and communication for the Liège basin since its origins. Following the flow of the river will lead us to revisit the not-so-distant past of the city of Liège. The cruise and the bike tour will take us out of the city center to explore the fringes of the city, transformed and exploited by industry, laden with a history that resonates intensely with our current challenges. What legacy do we retain from this period? How do we integrate these landscapes into our present? While these questions arise from the observation of a specific region, they extend far beyond any geographical anchoring. Starting from a city and its periphery, we open a reflection beyond borders.

Each artistic gesture positions itself as a first step in reflecting on the future. How do we move beyond a form of status quo, whether it concerns questions of heritage, memory, ecology, culture, socio-economic, or political developments?
Come share with us a convivial and unique moment to discover the landscape of a city in a new way!

Ali Glover, Gilles Hellemans, Marine Kaiser, Carole Louis, Chloé Malcotti, Francisca Markus, Luna Pittau & Camille Bleker (more to be announced)

Date: September 7, 2024
Time: 11h–19h
Meeting point: Quai Paul Van Hoegarden, n° 2 - 4000 Liège (Belgium)
Reservation: → click here
Fees: Cruise €20 (includes lunch by Les Sangliers Lâchés)
Bike tour: free (bring your bike and your picnic)
Information: / 0032 495 18 10 31
Website: →

Production: Maxime Moinet (Art au Centre Liège, BE), Sophie Delhasse (Art au Centre Liège, BE), Wouter Huis (Greylight Projects, NL)
Graphic Design: Éloïse Alliguié

Supported by:
RKP Regionales Kultur Programm NRW
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Province de Liège
Ville de Liège
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles