Ludwig Forum Aachen

The LUDWIG FORUM FOR INTERNATIONAL ART AACHEN is a multigenre, contemporary art institution. Peter and Irene Ludwig's collection, which comprises key works of Pop Art, Photorealism and European art from the 1960s to the present, is the core of what is on display. This is the starting point for attractive exhibitions and an accompanying program.


Ludwig Forum Aachen
Jülicher Strasse 97-109
52070 Aachen
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Opening Hours

Tue – Sun 10:00h – 18:00h
Thu 10:00h - 20:00h


Adults € 6
Reduced € 3
Free <21 years

Free for everyone on every Thursday (ZENTIS day) (except on holidays).

Very Contemporary — Ludwig Forum Aachen
Very Contemporary — Ludwig Forum Aachen

Current Events

Very Contemporary, Ludwig Forum Aachen, Amy Sillman
22.03.25 – 31.08.25 Exhibition

Amy Sillman "Oh, Clock!"

Ludwig Forum Aachen