Wondertour #4 Aachen → Kornelimünster
A short Wondertour along the Vennbahn
This cycling route takes you from NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein and Ludwig Forum for international art in Aachen (D) to Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster (D). You leave the hustle and bustle of the big city and the traffic around station Rothe Erde behind you when entering the Vennbahn: the former “iron connection” between Aachen and the north of Luxembourg. On the Vennbahn, you quickly make your way to the quiet idyllic suburbs of Aachen. The former abbey town of Kornelimünster offers a medieval backdrop, with the Kunsthaus in the former abbey as a beautiful note on which to end this route.
Tour highlights
Start: NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein (Aachen), Google Maps
NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein is a private non-profit association for contemporary art and one of the youngest institutions of its kind in Germany. NAK is a core institution of the local art scene, but far beyond this, it is also recognized internationally as an innovative platform for contemporary art and its discourse.

Ludwig Forum Aachen Google Maps
The Ludwig Forum for International Art Aachen is a multi-genre, contemporary art institution. Peter and Irene Ludwig's collection - which comprises key works of Pop Art, Photorealism and European art from the 1960s to the present - is the core of what is on display.

Rothe Erde train station Google Maps

Rollefbach Viadukt Google Maps
Photo: Dominik Ketz, Grünmetropole e.V.

Bahnhofsvision Google Maps

End: Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster Google Maps
The exhibition program of the Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster offers an insight into North Rhine-Westphalia's current and future art scene. Since 1948, North Rhine-Westphalia has been purchasing works by young artists to support them. Today, the collection includes 4,000 works that document the history of North Rhine-Westphalia's art up to the immediate present day. The collection is hosted in the baroque palace building of the old Abbey of Kornelimünster.